Since the moment you get engaged or maybe even long before, you dream about your wedding day. Imagining the wedding dress, the decorations and the walk down the aisle... Not often do we imagine bad weather but living in the UK that is often the case. Still believe it or not rain happens and people just deal with it. Wedding still goes on and everyone is still happy because its a happy occasion and no rainfall can change it!
The only difference that can make things bit more tricky is when you fail to take rain into consideration and don’t organise wedding umbrellas for your big day. Borrow them or buy but make sure you do have at least few to shield the bride and groom. If you’re only going to have few - make them golf umbrellas - they’re large and can fit up to 3 people under.
It may seem surprising to put so much emphasis on wedding umbrellas but out of 3 summer weddings in Britain I have attended 2 were rainy and one was very windy so you do the math!
Pinterest is full of lovely beach weddings in Florida but reality is many weddings are rainy - just type rainy wedding umbrellas or wedding umbrella photos and you’ll be flooded with images of happy couples sharing a wedding umbrella. Most importantly the photos are beautiful! It almost makes you wish for rain on you wedding day! See our favourite images on our wedding wall.
Now when it comes to choosing the right umbrellas, people are often hesitant and usually in a rush. Can’t tell you how many “ I just checked and it’s going to rain this weekend on my wedding day!! ” phone calls we get usually last minute on Thursday. Don’t let this be you! Even though we do offer next day, Saturday and Sunday delivery, you don't want to stress over delivery or courier issues right before your big day. Allow yourself at least a week to get the wedding umbrellas delivered. This gives you a chance to see them before and make sure you’re happy with the design, colour and quantity. Regarding the choices you have here’s our ultimate guide to wedding umbrellas: