This years summer spoils us with great sunny weather but there’s still an odd day when it rains. Don’t let that stop you from practicing your game! Especially since it’s Britain and you need to know how to play in bad weather conditions if you want to play at all. So get your golf clubs, cheap golf umbrella and enjoy a day at a (wet) golf course!
Here are the reasons why you should play golf in the rain:
The golf course is empty. If you’re one to complain about slow play on a sunny day now it’s your chance to have no one in front or behind you. You can take your time and practice your putts!
You can use your cheap golf umbrella. We know you have it and finally you can make it useful. If you don’ t have one head to our website and see our selection of cheap golf umbrellas.
A dry putting grass makes for a fast putt. Wet grass adds some slowness and a change of terrain effect. If you think you’ve mastered your golf course’s greens try playing them wet.
Same goes for the long ball. You think you have it mastered but try hitting it in the rain! A long course becomes longer with some heavy rain and will make even the easiest course a fun challenge.
A rainy weather changes the golf course and it’s almost like an entirely different ground. If you’re used to your favourite golf course try re-discovering it in the rain.
You can feel like a kid again! Playing in the rain adds a childish quality to the game and since you’re a grown up, no one can tell you to get back inside!
The golf course is empty and you may be allowed to have a free game on it! This maybe not as common as in places that rarely experience rain like Florida but you can still give it a try.
It will help you improve as a golf player. Think of all the new skills you will master playing in the rain!
So grab your cheap golf umbrella, head to your favourite golf course and practice, practice, practice!